Saturday, March 23, 2013

Favorite Saturday Morning Breakfast

Just got back from an hour and a half walk in the woods with my girlfriend and Sophie.  Not just wonderful exercise but talking with a friend, having my four footed friend with me and enjoying nature contributes to a healthy life......followed by my favorite Saturday breakfast..
An apple (full of vitamin C and fiber) with crunchie peanut butter (protein & mono-saturated fats), raisins (iron & potassium), and cinnamon (anti oxidants).  There are so many fun flavors and textures going on!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

How Do You Prefer YOUR Oreo Cookies?

Food can be FUN, and it is so comforting the great scientific minds are helping us in that endeavor.
Check out what machines can do for us now----separate the cookie part of the Oreo from the creamy center.  That's right----I know we'll all sleep better tonight knowing that.  In the mean time, you should check out the video, it is FUN!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Portion Control is KEY

Food has gone through a technological revolution in the US in the last 50 years. Food is available in more variety, in more forms and in more combinations than ever before. The key word in that previous sentence,(click on link for details)

Science has known that for years (which is why I have an entire section labeled "easy portion tips").  But science based knowledge bears repeating!