Saturday, October 15, 2011

The Challenge of Octoberfest

HHHmmm which sausage is lower fat---brats, kielbasa, which is Wurst???
Luckily Octoberfest comes but once year----so tonight I'll consume a bit more fat than usual----
 I've already booked my tee time---I'll walk and carry Nine tomorrow and burn some extra calories before they have a chance to "settle" in the wrong spots.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Easy Way to Hydrate With No Calories

Tea naturally contains zero calories, therefore, when it is used in place of higher calorie beverages, it can help with weight control.      
I Grow mint in the kitchen windowsill, I think it adds a "fresh mouth feel"
Drinking tea may help maintain normal, healthy heart function as part of a diet that is consistent with dietary guidelines.
Research suggests that drinking 2 to 3 cups per day of black or green tea may help maintain healthy blood vessel function.
In the past, it was believed that antioxidant activity was responsible for the benefits of tea, but current research suggests that a variety of dietary compounds (including flavonoids) in tea may be responsible for some of these effects.