Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Rose Bowl Parade ~ Mayflower Voyage of Hope~Petal Pusher

Stayin Alive State of MIND

I enjoy doing genealogy for my family and it does give my mind a work out sometimes.
I have traced my Mom's family back to 4 people on the Mayflower (S. Hopkins, C. Hopkins, F. Cooke and R. Warren.)
I active in the CT Mayflower colony as a member of the Speakers Guild and other volunteer positions.  
Every state is planning special activities and the California colony has gone over the top with a 
in the January 1, 2020 
Rose Bowl Parade
I am participating in the exciting endeavor as a 
Petal Pusher.
As a Petal Pusher, I will be gluing flowers, petals, seeds and more for 10 days to get the Mayflower Float ready.

I am also preparing my application to be a float rider or outwalker!
I have been stepping up the look of the costume I wear as part of the CT Mayflower Speakers Guild.
I am crossing my fingers!!

1 comment:

  1. This is a great way to keep your Mayflower history alive for your family and all the descendants. To see people in period dress sharing the crossing stories.
