Sunday, December 26, 2010

Be Positive Avoid Negative

Think about Adding Healthy Foods to eat
Think about Adding Tasty Foods to eat
Avoid "I can't eat anything fun if I eat healthy" thinking
Create Healthy Habits
For a More Energetic, Happier Life

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Easy Portion Visual

A 3 oz serving of meat is about the size of the palm of a woman's hand

Fun Food For Christmas

It's Christmas, so enjoy special traditional holiday food with friends & family.  Enjoy in moderation & you'll feel better tomorrow.

Eat Breakfast & Exercise--less Couch Potato!!!!

Members of the National Weight Control Registry, who’ve successfully lost 30 pounds or more and kept it off for over a year, eat breakfast every day, exercise an hour a day, and 
watch less than 10 hours of tv a week.

Resource:  Wyatt HR, Grunwald GK, Mosca CL, Klem ML, Wing RR, Hill JO.Long-term weight loss and breakfast in subjects in the National Weight Control Registry. Obes Res. 2002 Feb;10(2):78-82.

Friday, December 10, 2010

De-Stress the Food for the Holidays

Planning, preparing and sharing traditional holiday foods can be enjoyable--or add to Holiday Stress.  Who you share food with is more important than serving lots of "perfect" holiday foods.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thanksgiving HInts

Clean the turkey tonight, cut the wing tips off (nobody eats those anyway), and simmer them with the neck and giblets--simmer 45 minutes--  remove the meat from the broth, cover  and refrigerate the broth.  Tomorrow, skim the congealed fat from the surface, and you have almost fat free tasting broth to use as a gravy base.
Happy Thanksgiving!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Eat Chocolate Daily!

High cacao content dark chocolate is rich in phenols.  Those flavonoids help reduce blood pressure through production of nitric oxide. (who cares why!)  Eating a small square of chocolate  (no more than 2-3oz) can achieve the benefit.  Those calories can be part of a healthy diet.