Bill's & Carol's family who bravely fought for our freedom
please remember our veterans
OUR FAMILY- Veteran Ancestors
WWII Milton Joseph Tamme (1913-1990), Private Army (father) 
Civil War James Polk White (1811-1902), Illinois & Tennessee (GG Grandfather) 
Civil War Samuel B White (1843-1911), Missouri (G Grandfather)

Civil War David Nimbus Griffin (1819 IL-1884 MO) (GG Grandfather

Rev War Frost Snow ( 1710-1784 )4thG Grandfather
Rev War John (Trooper) Snow (1710-1784) VA (5th G Grandfather) 
Rev War Benjamin Hezekiah Sebastian ( 1750-1819) 4th G Grandfather) Born VA received 233 ⅓ acres land grant which is probably what
took him to MO
Rev War Absalom Wiggins Jr. (1760 NJ-1818CT) (4G Grandfather)Served in 2nd NC Regiment, received 640 acre Land Grant there . on 14 Feb 1806.
His daughter married George Sebastian in 1803
Rev War Capt. John Santee Sr. (1730-1807) (6 G Grandfather) Commander of Northampton County PA Militia, Capt. of 1st Battalion of 2nd Div of Flying Camp. There were many documents concerning him, one of which was pension papers.
His grandson had a daughter who married Jacob Miller, whose daughter married William Sebastian.
Carol’s Veterans
Jonas Main (1735-1804) Revolutionary war in Capt Hungerford Company CT
Sebbeus Main Corporal Revolutionary War NY Regiment Spy
Eleazer Main (1791-1871) French & Indian War
Eugene Francis Wilder( 1911-1996) World WAR II served in this War onThe ship the Omar Bundy which was in the “Pacific and European Theaters” of the war. Gene volunteered to fight in the Navy the day after Japan bombed Pearl Harbor
USS General Omar Bundy (AP-152) was a General G. O. Squier-class transport ship for the U.S. Navy in World War II.
She was transferred to the U.S. Army as USAT General Omar Bundy in 1946, named in honor of U.S. Army major general Omar Bundy.
She was later sold for commercial operation under several names, including SS Poet, before being declared missing in 1980 and presumed sunk.